340B, Diabetes Education

How to find and purchase insulin at a lower price - a practical guide for patients

The cost of insulin can be difficult for patients and their families to manage. Monthly supplies of the lifesaving drug are often several hundred or even more than $1,000 per month, but it doesn’t have to be this way.A little-known government program called the 340B Drug Pricing Program makes it possible for low-income and uninsured patients to purchase insulin at a greatly reduced rate, often less than $100.

Finding and purchasing the drug at this price can be cumbersome. Here’s how to find a program to help.

  1. Go to https://340bopais.hrsa.gov/, and search by zip code to find a participating clinic near your home.
  2. Call the clinic to ask them how low-income or uninsured patients can access the 340B price on insulin through their facility.
  3. You will need a doctor’s appointment if you aren’t already managed by a provider in that area, but as part of 340B, the clinic should have a program for you to have an appointment at a low cost, too.
  4. Once you have your appointment, and your provider writes the prescription for insulin, tell the health care team that you want to fill the prescription through the low-income or cash-pay program they told you about in step 2. The team should be able to help you get your prescription sent to the correct pharmacy for you to be able to purchase the insulin at the reduced, 340B price.
For health care providers, Equiscript can help you administer your low-income or cash-pay 340B programs. Our solution, LilaRx, is a national mail-order program that lets you help patients access 340B savings on insulin and other key medications. Learn more at LilaRx.com.

Ready to learn more?

We can tell you about how our program works, and give you a no-obligation estimate of how it may help you serve more patients and generate revenue for your organization.

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